30 June 2009

The Future of Film Editing?

This is so cool.

Imagine a Minority Report Virtual Space where you can edit. Now imagine that it's not a pie in the sky dream...it's now.

Wet your whistle yet? Feast your eyes: (thx to @ryan_connolly for the link)

13 June 2009

Charlie - Oscar - Romeo - Yankee

Stupid little things fascinate me.

One minute, I'll be thinking about how to better integrate my Google Calendar into my work computer...and make it live on my taskbar.

After I figured that out..my mind immediately wandered. "What are the official Letter Call Signs that communicators and military use?"

Why did I think about that?!? That's a whole 'nother post, I'm sure. But, that's how random my mind will tangent.

That said...the internet is the perfect elixir for my condition. In seconds, I found this PDF with all the official call signs. (The title of this post is my name...as if you didn't already figure that out.)

Here's a great article with the Phonetic letter and how they are used.

The Phoenetic Letter Alphabet
  • Alpha
  • Bravo
  • Charlie
  • Delta
  • Echo
  • Foxtrot
  • Golf
  • Hotel
  • India
  • Juliet
  • Kilo
  • Lima
  • Mike
  • November
  • Oscar
  • Papa
  • Quebec
  • Romeo
  • Sierra
  • Tango
  • Uniform
  • Victor
  • Whiskey
  • X-Ray
  • Yankee
  • Zulu
Not surprising obviously...but another magical web thing that we take for granted.

Off to enjoy the beautiful day in SW Florida. Whole Foods, here we come!


10 June 2009

I Love Penguins! [video]

Yeah...I said it.

Oh...did you think I'm talking the team in Pittsburgh. They're a great team..but my rooting for the Red Wings get in the way of my liking them.

No...I'm talking about these penguins. They're visiting the Blend set from SeaWorld Orlando to do a segment for tomorrow.

Check out this behind the scenes video here and here that I shot with my phone and embedded for your viewing enjoyment. (Sorry..this TV pro doesn't always have a video camera on standby.)

Penguins explore the Fox 4 studio from Cory O'Donnell on Vimeo.

Penguins explore the FOX 4 Weather Center from Cory O'Donnell on Vimeo.

07 June 2009

Malcolm Gladwell...on Spaghetti Sauce? [TED]

Why is best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell talking about spaghetti sauce?

Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell gets inside the food industry's pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce -- and makes a larger argument about the nature of choice and happiness.

Here is a blog by Malcolm from 5 years ago relating to this very topic. For more info on Howard Moskowitz, you know what to do.

Seth Godin on standing out [TED]

In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff.

Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.

For more info and great ideas - read Seth Godin's Blog.

J.J. Abrams' mystery box [TED]

J.J. Abrams traces his love for the unseen mystery –- a passion that’s evident in his films and TV shows, including Cloverfield, Lost and Alias -- back to its magical beginnings.

The True Face of DaVinci [TED]

Siegfried Woldhek shows how he found the true face of Leonardo using image-analysis techniques.

Video via TED.com

TED logo

06 June 2009

How To Read A Person Like a Book [PDF]

I've always wanted to read this book...but it's really hard to find in a library. Not sure why...not like it's The Anarchist Cookbook.

Anyway, I searched for it @ the local library system. Nothing.

Thanks to Scribd...I can download the entire book for free. Awesome.

You can too..and I made it easy. Below is the embed of the entire document. In order to download, you'll need to sign up for a free account...or use your existing OpenID account.

Happy Reading!

How to Read a Person Like a Book How to Read a Person Like a Book James Blunt A book on deciphering body language. Quite an interesting read.

04 June 2009

Han Solo, P.I. [Magnum Mash]

So diggin this mashup...check it before Chewie wrecks it:

03 June 2009

Greatest Shift in Hockey History

A close second to the victor - No. 43 for the Red Wings, Darren Helm, killing the penalties against 4 Blackwawks in the Western Conference Finals:

Here's the Real Greatest Shift in Hockey History:

02 June 2009

Conan's First Tonight Show - Cold Open

Hilarious and ambitious concept.

I had forgotten that he did a tour of all the NBC affiliates in the nation..perfect time to shoot all the shots for this.

Epic Open..Conan rules!