Columbus Chiefs Update
It's a game of peaks and valleys, even in cyberspace.
After struggling out of the gates to the tune of an 0-2 start, my horse has grown some legs and is slowly creeping up the Bad Boyz league standings.
The cyber-Chiefs record stands @ 3-2, going into a tough matchup with the MoBrowns, who is surprisingly, a fan of the Cleveland franchise.
He's also the guy that was hired to replace me at my old place of business.
If you think there's any bad blood, you'd be wrong, since I've never met the guy personally (though he seems really nice; I guess you'd have to be a godsend, rooting for the Browns)
Smack Talk of the Week
I took my buddy Brock to the cleaners last Sunday with a 212.70 to 181.70 win over his undefeated St Louis Broncos (4-1). Truth be told, I've been riding the Inferno that is Dante Hall, and reaping the benefits.
If you don't know who Dante Hall is, shame on you: You're a stronger person than me.