29 June 2006

It's Fun To Spare

"Strikes and gutters, man. Strikes and gutters."
-The Dude, The Big Lebowski


The sports of beer-chugging champions the world over.

One of the bigger treats of hanging with the TV peeps in SW Florida is heading down to the local alley about once a week for the 5 B's:


and Buffoonery.

Alas, one of the real rubs involved in the process: those damn rental shoes.

$2.75 every time we go? The hell you say??

Well, I'm done with that. In the next few days, I'll receive my ultimate revenge, my fart in the general direction of the sweaty, bloated bowling desk jockeys everywhere.

I bought a pair of bowling shoes. Oh, no...not just any old shoes.

I bought a pair of rental bowling shoes.

Take that, you fat pharoahs of the fast (bowling) lanes.

I'll put that 2.75 to some better, more constructive use.

Drunk-y juice.
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