13 September 2002

A fun-filled evening was had by all Thursday night. Get this. Last night, Kristen, our 6pm producer, had a going away party @ the Sports Page. It was Karaoke night. Needless to say, @ 9:30, when I arrived, everyone was drinking and having a blast. It didn't take long til I was in the mix. You won't believe the 1st song I did: Wonderboy!!! They had the D in their book. Sure, it was the only one from the greatest rock band ever, but still. I blew the roof off in my debut. My co-workers couldn't stop talking to me about it today. I had total strangers high-fiving me after the performance. A surreal moment. KO and the gang were laughing hysterically, as my performance grew more animated. Unbelievable. We're discussing making it a weekly thing.

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