While hunting for jpegs, gifs, and whatnot, we discovered a cool little marketing freebie today. One of our producers received a Fringe Promo Tool Kit a few weeks ago with the pilot on DVD and a neat little voice recorder that’s totally a JJ Abrams marketing ploy.
I could try to describe it…but it’s better to just show you.
Neat, huh? I like how they burned the leaf design right onto the recorder’s display.
Very Abrams, indeed.
BTW…I still haven’t seen the pilot yet. KO and I are catching up on other shows, but we are TiVoing the show (season pass, bitches!). So…no spoilers.
Very Abrams, indeed.
BTW…I still haven’t seen the pilot yet. KO and I are catching up on other shows, but we are TiVoing the show (season pass, bitches!). So…no spoilers.