If you've yet to discover the wonders of The Arcade Fire, for shame.
OK, I was a little skeptical at first, when I read at Pitchfork that they received the site's coveted album of the year for 2004.
But after hearing about their performance on Conan and reading this glowing lament on my dearly missed friend Mike's site, I felt obligated to give it a try.
Kirsten got it for me for Valentine's Day, and I've been smitten ever since.
If you are a fan of all things good music, firstly it's good to know you and second, check this revelation out.
You can stream 3 of the songs from the album Funeral at the Merge Records site.
Herein are said 3 songs:
Neighborhood #3 (Laika)
Rebellion (Lies)
Wake Up
Happy listening! Your feedback (savory or not) is always welcome.