If you have yet to peruse a copy of the book "America" written by the genii behind the Daily Show, I highly recommend it.
Also, since it looks like a textbook and school's just around the corner, I can say that the text will be mandatory this semester.
In the meantime, to whet your apettite, here is a sampling from the book....a template, if you will, for writing a letter to your Congressman.
The following appears on page 78 of "America". The following is parody. Say it with me. PARODY:
Representative or Senator's Name
Representative or Senator's Address
That Domey Thingy
Washington, DC [ZIP TK]
Dear Honorable (for senators)/ Distinguished (for representatives)/ Abby (for advice-seekers)
As a concerned citizen of your district/state/household, I kindly request/urge/demand/insist/order you at gunpoint to co-sponsor/condemn/remain ambiguously silent on the legislation that Rep. Elder Centrist Democrat and Senator Moderate Republician You've Never Heard Of have introduced to increase/decrease spending for _______________.
I am not ordinarily moved to write, but I have a child affected by/vaguely remember a TV report about/have nothing better to do than write a message [can friends @ gmail].
I supported you through all five elections/three samdals/two convictions and would be extrmely disappointed to have to vote against/stalk/cuckold you.
Thank you/your unpaid intern for hearing me on this important
Respectically/Disrespectically/Suck it,
Your Name/Pseudosym/"X" mark
(c) 1995 America: The Book
Also, since it looks like a textbook and school's just around the corner, I can say that the text will be mandatory this semester.
In the meantime, to whet your apettite, here is a sampling from the book....a template, if you will, for writing a letter to your Congressman.
The following appears on page 78 of "America". The following is parody. Say it with me. PARODY:
Representative or Senator's Name
Representative or Senator's Address
That Domey Thingy
Washington, DC [ZIP TK]
Dear Honorable (for senators)/ Distinguished (for representatives)/ Abby (for advice-seekers)
As a concerned citizen of your district/state/household, I kindly request/urge/demand/insist/order you at gunpoint to co-sponsor/condemn/remain ambiguously silent on the legislation that Rep. Elder Centrist Democrat and Senator Moderate Republician You've Never Heard Of have introduced to increase/decrease spending for _______________.
I am not ordinarily moved to write, but I have a child affected by/vaguely remember a TV report about/have nothing better to do than write a message [can friends @ gmail].
I supported you through all five elections/three samdals/two convictions and would be extrmely disappointed to have to vote against/stalk/cuckold you.
Thank you/your unpaid intern for hearing me on this important
Respectically/Disrespectically/Suck it,
Your Name/Pseudosym/"X" mark
(c) 1995 America: The Book